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Also explain to me how NPD says that 70% of Wii owners had a PS2?

The PS2 at least in the end had a big part of the "casual" crowd, that is now owned by the Wii no question. On the other hand the PS3 at 400$ with a BluRay drive is hardly trying to reach this target group at the moment. I won't argue that Sony would like to have it but until the price is much smaller and they have some more games than SingStar and Buzz to capture this crowd they are not competing for this market in earnest. The Ps3 is not competing in all markets the PS2 owned. Of course there is some overlap but more or less the market that was owned by the PS2 has been split into two this gen. And at least until now the one half is fought upon between Ps3 and 360 and the other half is owned by the wii. And yes there are some Zelda fans marooned on the Wii half and some casuals have been captured by the Singstar Ps3. But if you look at the western games announced for Wii and Ps360 it is clear that the publishers and developers are coming to the same conclusion.