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This is a sad little man desperately clinging to hope that is not there

In the modern world of tec trying to stick with a “ten year” life cycle is a kiss of death

If you don’t believe me try comparing something like a cell phone---go on give me a ten year old cell phone compared to a brand new one and tell me which one has better service, better features, better everything

And that same model can be applied to the game industry I mean look at the tec in the ps1 (which lasted more then 10 years) compared to the Ps3—

If sony wants to stick with it for 10 years and Microsoft ahs proven they care more about keep tec current how scary will it be to see the xbox 1080 compared to the ps3---the 10880 will dwarf it in all regards

Why would you want to keep a product that long sony?


Already there are processors out on the market faster then the cell

Already there is ram option that work better

Already there is media being developed larger then the blu

Already there is wifi faster and more reliable

Already there is resolution higher then 1080p

And that all came out with in one year of your machine hitting the market

And you are still convinced that in ten (let alone five) years that your machine will still be big stuff……
