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steverhcp02 said:
the reason the Wii is selling at a record pace is because its appealing to demo's that no other console in history has. Its a compliment....Sony, consumers, MSFT it doesnt matter who says it...i dont understand why people cant just step back and accept the Wii is selling oodles because, 4 nurses i work with talk about "wii fitting" and 3 pharmacists, in their 40's went looking "for the wii fit" .... folks, you can call it denial but the reason the Wii is selling like this is because its different.....the general public, my grandparents and my aunts and uncles, my coworkers and fellow students dont view it as a videogame system in the traditional sense...i dont understand why us gamers and nintendo fanboys also cant. The general public has no problem acknowledging it, but for some reason the "hardcore" crowd does. Weird.

Sony fans talking about "year of th ePS3" are just as bad as videogame fans not accepting the Wii is in a different market...and for gods sake its a GOOD thing, thats WHY its selling like it is. god stop taking it personally because you people label yourselves as gamers....the Wii is different, still a console, but clearly a different market. again not a bad thing, just different.

It's the ONLY console that ONLY plays video games and people buy it to play video games.  They view it as a video game console and buy games that they like.  Just because you have different taste in games doesn't change that fact.  In fact it's definitely more of a "traditional video game system" than either of it's competitors. It's not in a "different" market, it's expanding the existing market.  It is selling to people that also have xbox's and ps3's.  Just because people that wouldn't normally play video games also buy it doesn't mean it's not a video game console, and certainly doesn't mean it isn't competing with the other two.


This just in!  Gamecube won last generation!  Ps2 was a dvd player and sold to casuals so it doesn't count, and Xbox was only sold to people wanting to play online, which is a different market than the people that bought the Gamecube.  Victory for Nintendo!     <---- sounds a little desperate and pathetic doesn't it?




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