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jingho said:
wait until the coming E3 to say that
If they only announce crappy and casual games like Lips and Scene it for the rest of the year,they are definately losing me coz I am going to get a PS3 for Killzone 2,Uncharted 2 and God of War 3.
BTW,Halo 3:ODST should not be even called as a game.
It is just a money-gripping and lame expansion to Halo 3.
Moreover,MS's strategy of announcing games only a couple months before release really pisses me off.I hope they will deliver some real stuff in E3.

Agreed. They are bound to announce something , since right now they have nothing for the second part of 2009 , but the barren first half of 2009 is a very bad sign . Oh and something is not casual just because a lot of people buy it . Games like GTA ,GT, halo e.t.c are not casual .