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Magera said:
psrock said:
Magera said:
psrock said:
thekitchensink said:
psrock said:
HappySqurriel said:


You do know what site you're on right?


And yeah, Haze failed--considering its' much higher budget than those two other games.  Seen its' developer's condition lately?  They're selling off all their assets.



where on this site can i find that Zack and Wiki made 20 million dollars for its publishers.  LINK?

Why is it so hard for Dumb people to admit they are dumb?


but anyway, do you actually pay attention to much?

1.  I'm pretty sure it's now considered 'Common Knowledge' that Wii games cost MUCH less to develope then HD.

2. $10 to $20 million does not = $20 million - It's an estimation, Both games made more then $10 million so it's somewhere in between 10 to 20 million.

3. Only retarded people think games selling more then 500K and make a profit = failed! If that's the case then most games of last Gen = Failed!  that's just Dumb...... although a game selling 1 million and loosing money does = failed!


man, you guys are angry. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. Lol, the internet is serious busines.

My feeling are very hurt. Internet is my only life.  I have no self esteme, or brains for that matter....

anywaaaay, not directing this spacifically toward you or anything but it's annoying when people post with very little to no common sence or logic in their posts.  It's nice for once in a while for people to actually stop and have a think about what they are posting rather then just sticking to a stubbern opinion that is logically incorrect... Again this reply is not targeted directly at you psrock but many posters in general, of all fan types.


Once again, that 500k was sold over more than a year. We had thread on this site begging people to buy it. Haze was a crappy game that still sold more. Plus,  I remember website, fans and forums just amazed that such a good game can sell so little when the bad games sold way more. Bring on the profit excuse as much as you can, but this game deserve way more sales than it got, and to me that's a failure.


and I said that without attacking anyone........learn.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)