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Slimebeast said:
mrstickball said:
Laughable post.

Microsoft isn't abandoning anyone for anything. MS is merely developing casual titles alongside their hardcore list.



The guy with the OP needs to read between the lines. Greenberg and Co. are of course trying to conquer the casual market, thus a push of Lips, Scene-it and whatnot. But that's just talk that hardcore gamers can safely ignore.

MS' own major titles for 2009 are still very much aimed at hardcore gamers:

Alan Wake
Halo Wars
Forza 3

Halo ODS

The problem is that, if Microsoft wants to ever become the #1 console, it needs the entire market, and not just one piece of it. Casual games are an end to a means, but not an end itself. MS has a huge swath of hardcore exclusives, but we've seen from Nintendo that you can balance your portfolio out, and get new people into your console, while making tons of money.

There's nothing wrong with a Lips, Scene It, YITM, or other casual games. It becomes an issue when those are the only games produced that are 1st party, or exclusive. 2009 will be the best year for exclusives yet, I think. We're starting out with Ensemble (great studio)'s last great title. Moving on to one of the largest JRPGs (and it's exclusive), having a ton of hardcore titles in the middle, then ending (most likely) with Mass Effect 2 and Alan Wake. That's a pretty good year. So what if MS decides to launch another IP or two that's guarenteed a million copies or so? Viva Pinata started it all by doing very well over time...MS needs evergreens just as much as Nintendo does, if they ever want to become #1.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.