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I loved my Xbox and Xbox 360 when I had them because I owned them at a time that they catered to HARDCORE gamers...I think what your saying is absolutely correct...I mean look at Microsoft now putting Avatars and all that kiddie stuff into Xbox LIVE...its sad really...I also remember reading something that a microsoft rep said stating that their next console might go in the direction of the Wii...if that means casual gaming with mediocore graphics...THEY ARE SELL OUTS...I believe the Wiis success has alot to do with the current economic state that were people try to get the cheapest form of entertainment and also something they can share with the whole family and friends when they come over...this will not be the case come next Gen if the economy improves...Microsoft just copies everything everyone else does first...jesus its really pissin me off...only creative thing I can give them props on is Xbox Live...the best online service