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They seem to be abandoning the hardcore. Judging from the recent interviews of some MS' executives we should expect more casual crap from them in 2009. Greenberg mentions crap like "scene it" and "lips" as "surprise games that were unannounced until close to release, in 2008" which suggests that this is what we should expect in 2009 (and even a waggle controller). Meanwhile xbox360' first six months , in 2009, look barren as far as exclusives go. At least the ps3 has Killzone 2 and (maybe???) infamous . The 360 has an rts and a Jrpg as their "big" first half of 2009 games and we know next to nothing about the holiday 2009 line up , except for this silly halo3 expansion.

What i liked about MS is how hardcore they used to be...gears of war, halo, fable, mass effect, ninja gaiden, crackdown even the rare stuff like kameo and banjo (though i didn't like banjo).  Now they seem hell bent on tapping the wii audiance. Well they should be careful cause they might loose the hardcore gamers that have supported them from the xbox1 days while at the same time not winning the casual crowd and that would leave them with a big fat nothing.