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Another post from nib95:

On my first play through, I actually upped the sensitivity (just to get it on par with what I was already used to in other fps). But I eventually set it back to default, when it clicked, and I realised why GG had set it at what they did. Which was for fine tuned aiming precision (headshots and smoother more delicate aiming).

To specifically answer your question, no, I did not adjust the controls in any way from the default. The only difference from a completely default set up was that my DS3's have Real Triggers attached to them.

My guess is people will take a short while to adjust to the aiming. The payment for learning them being more rewarding and skill driven kills.

I agree with this man 100%. In the beta, at first things felt quite off, but GG set the controls like they did for a reason! Once you get used to it, everything is great.

Don't immediately try to make the controls like CoD4 when you first start to play. Give yourself an hour or so to adjust to the default settings and you'll be better off for it. Trust me.