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Zim said:
Completly agree with him. I hate it when people try and claim that bad controls are actually just hard to master. Of course they are hard to master, they are bad controls.  I managed to become pretty good with Red Steel's controls, however they weren't meant to be hard to master they just sucked.

The fact that threads have shown up with videos as proof the game controls well is ridiculous. You could probably find a video on the net of someone completing Battle toads without getting hit, yet you wouldn't say it was evidence that BT was an easy game.

It's kind of like when people say the controls are so good they make the game too easy. It just makes absolutely no sense.


Edit: Battle toads is probably one of the most difficult games I own, or have ever played. OF course there are inherent design flaws from the NES era, such as BEING ABLE TO DAMAGE EACH OTHER in co-op. That has to be the dumbest thing ANYONE has ever thought of.