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So you think that the pro-life viewpoint assumes, that at any time, fetuses aren't people? I guess you haven't been reading up on their viewpoint :-p

My whole argument with the German Eugenics concept is that they're one in the same - Germany just didn't include contraception and abortion into the idea, but euthanasia and purging as the logical extension of the process. That's what the pro-lifer fears of the abortion position - that it can easily be related to the further aspects of the Eugenics program (and FYI, American doctors sterilized roughly 50,000 people in the name of Eugenics, so it's not just a Nazi concept. It was founded in America).

Abortion is a slippery slope. We've seen that the aborted babies are sold for research (without the consideration of the mother, AFIAK), which is a frightening concept. What I fear is that, with a disregard for life on the basis of a fetus being unwanted, or infirmed, it will eventually result (and has resulted in Nazi Germany and America at the turn of the 20th century) into systematic sterilizations or targeted euthanasia as a families' right to an individual, or a government's right over it's people.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.