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MaxwellGT2000 said:
Viper1 said:
uno said:
Well I am excited again for this game. Looks fun.

Everyone is saying Conduit will use Motion Plus but how? It wont help out the IR pointer. Or will it? Not sure what gameplay element would use Motion+ in Conduit. Its not a sword game.

Currently the Wii loses any 3D spatial detection when the pointer goes off screen (which is why an in game camera can go spastic).  Using the extra sensors will allow the Wii to calculate where the Wii remote is pointing even if it's no longer pointing at the screen.  This will keep the camera from going spastic.



That is very true but from what I hear is WM+ (atleast when HVS first started talking about using it) was planned to be used for specific motions to do actions in the game and you could map your own motions via the custom controls screen.  Now that may have changed in the few months that have passed which I really like your idea so I really hope it's in there.

@Bold... What? Where did you hear that, are you sure you didn't dream it.... All I remember is that the devs were lookig into M+ to see if it could be implemented for something.

Regarding what Viper said.... that could be the case. Sometimes if you point too far off screen and come back it will come back with the pointr upside down or something. (and moving in the mirrored way to where you move it)

The current remote does actually use th motion sensing in addition to the IR for pointing, mostly for the twist-ability. Check it out on the Wii menu with the blue hand, if you twist your wrist it turns the hand because the two points of reference on the IR sensor bar appear to be tunring to the remotes camera.

but if it were using IR only, then if you pointed off-screen, turned the remote upside down, and pointed back on screen it wouldn't realise you had turned the remote upside down.... so what it does is perform checks against the motion sensing accellerometers which can tell which way up the remote is. The instances when this hasn't worked are presumably because it isn't doing constant checks, but rather periodical.