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Only a vgc thread starting with EU legislation against M$ could conclude with a consensus on the goodness of hob nobs lol.

The thread seems to have split into many mini threads but i'll give it a go:

IE: If no IE exclusive then all the other browsers would have to be peddled elsewhere, either through Windows install or in the shops, either way it will cost money and the consumer will probably be the one losing out in the end, really speaking, they wouldnt be bothered about M$ if they werent good at selling products, so really they are just being fined for being successful.

EU: If there was anything worth having in the treaty it would have been an easy sell to people a long time ago, the ireland fiasco has already proven to us that we will only be allowed a referendum as long as we vote 'yes', EU democracy at it's best! They can stick it right up their arse, go back to 1984 where they belong. And the next time you meet someone is pro-eu, just ask them whether or not their parents are long time labour supporters, that will answer everything you need to know about their 'well thought out political belief system'.

Hob Nobs: yum.