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come on don't trust fanboys like MikeB please.

Just get some other sources. Might wanna check metacritic?

  • Halo: 97%
  • Halo 2: 95%
  • Halo 3: 94%

on the other hand

  • Resistance FoM: 86%
  • Resistance2: 87%

Okay, maybe you say reviews suck (like I do) and you wanna go by sales?

  • Halo: 6.43 million
  • Halo 2: 8.46 million
  • Halo 3: 8.96 million and selling

so what is Resistance doing?

  • Resistance: 3.51 million
  • Resistance 2: 1.27 million and selling

Okay, you migh say, sales just don't matter when it comes to quality, let's check playtime. Playtime is very hard to track, but the fact that Halo3 is the most played game on Xbox Live. The average player spends 150 hours (!!!) with the game. That is what Robbie Bach said during CES. I did 1300 matches on Xbox Live. Let's say an match takes 8 minutes (normally 12 minutes, but let's say there were some connection-problems or whatever) That would be more than 173 hours of gameplay without the singleplayer or online coop!

So PS3-fans said Resistance2 will match Gears of War and they failed. But Halo is just another level. Nothing speaks for Resistance except fanboys.

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