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Prove it. Prove that an unborn fetus is a person.

You can't because there is no universal definition of what constitutes a person. To a very large number of people a fetus isn't a person any more than a blood cell is a person.

Your black people argument is a straw man. Nobody here is debating whether black people are people (and I hope nobody believes they are not) and proving that black people are people does not prove the fetus' are people. Its an entirely different situation.

@Snesboy. So you think its right that because a person made a moronic decision that their entire life should be utterly fucked over? I can understand the argument against abortion that its killing a person (because many people believe that a person is from conception) but I'd hope that most pro-lifers don't think its good for peoples lives to be wrecked as a punishment for a bad decision.