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Are you saying then that you in no way can sympathize with those who marginalize themselves. I mean it is a pretty fucking intimidating system. Either way, without the support of some form of majority, even with ideas and action an individual working as such, has no way to challenge the system and hope to get anywhere unless he/she is willing to become some sort of martyr or Leonard Peltier or something.


P.S. Side note

I just watched a documentary about Miami-Dade - Cocaine Built that fucking city. It wasn't even a problem until the cocaine wars started. The Federal Reserve Bank that kept Cash for the Miami area had more cash than all other Federal reserve banks combined. (Huge Auto industry, Retail industry, property and many of the skyscrapers were funded from coke in the late 70's until 82-83)- makes me think that we should keep drugs illegal but not enforce it. (It was in the Billions that went into one city fucking nuts--too bad it got bloody after a few years)