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SlorgNet said:

Fortunately, it looks like East Asia, Russia, and the EU are all throwing money at their economies, so a global recovery should start this spring.

I just wanted to point out, for those who don't know the economic definitions of recession, that a recession recovery begins when things are at their absolutely worst point (output is lowest, unemployement is highest).  So even if there is a recovery that begins in spring of 2009, 2009 will likely be a worse year than 2008 as there would be more unemployment and less output at the beginning of the recovery than at any other point during the recession, and even consumers who get their jobs back will be more cautous overall, perhaps by necessity, than consumers who never lost their jobs.

So a "global recovery" beginning won't save Sony in 2009.  It will probably help them in 2010, but depending on what they sacrifice in 2009 to survive and how their competitors react, Sony will be in a very tough spot even in a significantly recovering economy.

Saying, "Sony will be saved by Keiretsu" is ignorant since Keiretsu has nothing to do with Sony.

Saying, "Sony will be saved by the global recession recovery beginning in 2009" is nonsense.

There are enough ways for companies to survive during hard times, especially companies the size of Sony, so that Sony will certainly recover.  However, the article (and analysts) seem to be pointing out that Sony will require some major restructuring or reorganization to do so.  Don't be unrealistic about this: Sony is in a very difficult spot right now and they will almost certainly lose market share and mind share in every major area.