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KylieDog said:
windbane said:
KylieDog said:
windbane said:
colonelstubbs said:
KylieDog said:
I've said it before I'll say it again. It is a bog standard shooter and its main selling point seems to be graphics. Graphics don't make a game.


I hate to annoy anyone, but this is exactly the situation....props to you kylie


i just hope you both have played it.



I would love to hear you explain was is so amazingly revolutionary about this game compared to various other FPS games already released. Really, do tell.


Does it has some form of co-op that like CoD: WaW or R2?

Does it has some amazing destruction physics that beats Battlefield Bad Company?

Does it have some entirely new approach to classes not seen before?

Does the cover system do something amazingly groundbreaking that simply ducking behind cover and side stepping doesn't do?


Please tell me what KZ2 does to advance the FPS genre in any way.


The only thing it really has going for itself is graphics, as far as gameplay elements are concerned it is behind a bunch of games already released.


a game doesn't have to be revolutionary to be excellent. MGS4 wasn't revolutionary compared to MGS3, but it was improved upon in many ways and refined.

I've played R2, and the co-op is amazing, but the team-based combat in this game is a totally different experience. it doesn't need to have that.

It also dosn't need the destructible environments that bad company has, but then I haven't played single player.

the classes allow you to mix abilities, and it's done differently than any game I've played before. CoD4 had unlocks but everyone could have the same thing all the time, whereas in KZ2 multiplayer you need different classes to succeed.

multiplayer didn't have a cover "system," it had what I like, and that's getting behind stuff to not get hit. I'll find out if I like the single player cover system later.


If you compare features of FPS, every single one is behind all the others in something, but Killzone feels like a unique experience compared to CoD4, GRAW, TF2, Halo, etc. You can adjust tons of options for servers, including match making on or off, and the game plays very well. Graphics don't hurt, but that's not what makes a great game.

What baffles me more than people hyping a game over graphics is the people that claim that the game is only about graphics that haven't even played it. I've played all the shooters I've mentioned above, and many others, and Killzone 2 is a great game. Will it change the FPS genre? No. Is it the best PS3 shooter? Probably. Will some people hate it? Of course, and a lot of them will be CoD4 people because it doesn't play the same (there is no auto-aim, for instance).

Then again, I am only basing this off of my 100-150 hour muliplayer experience on 3 maps, so that's why I'm even more excited about ther full game.



So nothing then, anyone who owns a recent FPS released gains nothing but better visuals. Fifa 2010 will be huge!


i mentioned some things, but nice trolling, anyway. lots of the game are better than others, that's the important part, not what's revoluntionary. Not much was new in CoD4 but it was still a great game.

btw, the last several fifa's have improved every year. why don't you list your favorite games and we can troll on them?

sadly, you seem like the kind of gamer that only looks at the back of the box to see what nice names for new features games have rather than how well they are executed.