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dbot said:
mesoteto said:
Lafiel said:
@ mesoteto )

who is this "sony camp" you always seem to talk about and with ? CrazzyMan? Megaman2 (although he always seemd to be ironic/kidding) ? Rock_on_ ?

I just saw several PS3 owners saying "KZ2 won't be the PS3s saviour".


i refer to teh people that come in and have under a few hundred post that only seem to spell doom and gloom for nin and 360 , then praise everything teh ps3 does


the ones that dont really seem to carea bout gaming and our passion but rather what the "cool" new thing is

You are ignoring the fact that the behavior you described occurs equally for all consoles.  Call it being a fanboy, trolling, etc, but it happens on all gaming sites for all consoles.  Guess how many times I am in a Sony thread discussing a benign subject and some trollster mentions Halo/GeoW rules.  It is pointless crap that should be moderated better.


i agree i thik teh level of hype anymore is just getting out of hand and causeing many games that could have been sleeper hits to get trampled b/c people seem to feel the need to tear down anoter game b/c someone else did


look at heavenly sword, from what i understand it wasnt really a bad game just short with a few quirks--but if you talk about it now it seems only to be a shame spot on the ps3 libary


on the flip side look at GTA4--i have seen its to be full of glitchs with just average graphics and such--sure there is etxra stuff but ehh...what is teh point of watching tv in a video game?---but it was hypes to teh extreme as a great game and look at teh pass it got on teh reviews and other websites---