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Lafiel said:
@ mesoteto )

who is this "sony camp" you always seem to talk about and with ? CrazzyMan? Megaman2 (although he always seemd to be ironic/kidding) ? Rock_on_ ?

I just saw several PS3 owners saying "KZ2 won't be the PS3s saviour".


Seriously, this is bugging the crap out of me. I'm trying to figure out who the heck are all these people that are saying Killzone 2 is not only going to be the end all be all of games, but are also saying that it's going to be the PS3's saviour?

No offense, but I'm starting to think that these arguments are either being based on the most extreme Sony fans (a la "LBP will sell 10 million day ONE!") or are being fabricated by fans of other systems.