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mesoteto said:
Lafiel said:
@ mesoteto )

who is this "sony camp" you always seem to talk about and with ? CrazzyMan? Megaman2 (although he always seemd to be ironic/kidding) ? Rock_on_ ?

I just saw several PS3 owners saying "KZ2 won't be the PS3s saviour".


i refer to teh people that come in and have under a few hundred post that only seem to spell doom and gloom for nin and 360 , then praise everything teh ps3 does


the ones that dont really seem to carea bout gaming and our passion but rather what the "cool" new thing is


eh, let them be.  all 3 systems make their owners happy most of the time, and no system is going to die any time soon so there are no saviors needed.  can't say that I see many people spelling doom and gloom for Nintendo and 360, though.  if they are, they are misinformed I'd imagine.