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Euphoria14 said:
Like I was saying before, I see more XBox and Wii fans getting worked up about this game than anyone else. What is even better is those saying it is hyped in terms of sales, is it not possible to have something NOT sales related? Is it not possible to hype something in terms of quality? I see more people saying "This game is going to be awesome" than "This game is going to sell 10M copies". I see more threads about the gameplay quality, graphics, etc... than sales threads for the game.

Who knows, maybe I am just looking at a different than some others.

This game has lived up to expectations in terms of the E3 2005 trailer and now those who refuse to eat crow are trying to downplay the game. If it was the other way around and it didn't live up to the E3 2005 trailer we would have threads like "KZ2 overhyped, didn't live up to expectations", so honestly either way we were expecting crap like this.

Makes me think back to 2007. Halo 3 hype, I mean HUGE HYPE, mild hype for Mass Effect, same for Bioshock. If I remember correctly this was the same time we had to read "Best Holiday Lineup in Gaming History" all over the damn place. Did it let up? Of course not, people kept riding it all the way up to each games release date and for some, even beyond that point. Strange to see how quickly some forget this.

Once again I ask this. Why was it perfectly ok then, or even ok for Gears of War and Gears of War 2 but so wrong for Killzone 2? Looks to me like more hypocrisy to be perfectly honest.

So Much Win in This Post. of course you are right. PS3 Fans can't win either way.