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The ironic thing here is that most shooter fans prefer xbox 360 to ps3 and it's really a wrong decision to hype a shooter on ps3. Hyping some other type of game where sony is traditionally powerfull would be much better. Sony is actually cornered in this case; they'd like to hype RPGs like Final Fantasy XIII, which is not exclusive anymore, 360 has a lot of them. They could hype 3D fighters like Tekken, which is gone too, and beat'em ups are no big deal anymore. You can't hype platformers as they are one big advantage to Nintendo. Unfortunately both Insomniac and Naughty Dog chose to go for TPS and FPS, and even though those games are great, they just cannot compete with the popularity of Gears of War and Halo. Interestingly FPS and TPS are where the console can show off the power and PS3 was claimed to be a powerhouse from the very beginning. And having to hype this type of games proved a flawed strategy from the very beginning.

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates