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--OkeyDokey-- said:
NJ5 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:

Last year MGS4, Brawl and LittleBigPlanet had at least as much hype as this game and none of them were disappointments.

Certain games receive massive hype for a reason y'know...

I think KZ2 has more hype for it than all of those. The hype level seems noticeably higher than that of Brawl and MGS4, not to mention that KZ2 has been announced for a longer time than those.


Perhaps you're forgetting the SSBB thread that had so many posts (99% of which were along the lines of "omg, this is the best game evar!") that it had to be taken down because it was causing the site to slow down...

There's no such huge KZ2 thread, but if one were to add up all the posts in the KZ2 threads... May I add that I didn't care much about Brawl either, in fact I didn't buy it yet so I'm not very biased in this regard. Maybe the hype would actually seem smaller if there were such a huge thread about KZ2.


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