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Spankey said:

seriously though, I do think this game is probably getting more hype than is good for it


from what perspective do you mean that? from a sales perspective every little bit of hype is good if the game is atleast "great" (metacritic ~80-85%) aswell, as e.g. Assassins Creed showed us

another great thing hype does is to increase pre-orders and "first day buyers", which are the ones who pay the most for the game and have no chance to get it used

ofcourse from a personal perspective it's not that good for if you have too high expectations you will be let down and therefore won't have as much fun with the game as you could have if you hadn't been hyped and it will reflect badly on the game in the sence, that it won't be remembered as a classic for years/decades, but that won't really affect the game itself all that much