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I consider myself a "core gamer" and I was never dissapointed with Nintendo. But I do agree with Maelstrom.

The new mario and zeldas are great. No doubt. But had attracted new people? No. Why? because it focused in "make mario fly" or "make link turn in a wolf" than making people have fun. Let's face it: Twilight Princess is a great game. But it was nothing but an "ocarina reloaded".

The truth is that many Nintendo core gamers, still love Nintendo but they don't "love" the new core games nintendo delivered. Many still think that "link to the past" was much better than the 3D ones and that "Super Mario Bros 3" is much better than "Mario 64". Yeah is a matter of tastes, but the truth is that the old games were more gamer oriented while the new ones are more "icon oriented".

and anyone who says that Nintendo hasn't lost core gamers should realize the sad truth. If it wasn't the case, then the Gamecube could have been better than the rest of the consoles out there because it was more aimed to the core base.

I like how Nintendo is changing the rules. I hope that the new mario and zelda refresh the franchises and takes them out of the hole they are.