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Katilian said:
Might & Magic (either 1 or 2...I can't remember) would have been the very first I played, however at the time (being 4-5 yrs old) I really couldn't grasp it.

The first one I truly enjoyed and remember well is Eye of the Beholder 2. I'll never know how I spent so much time playing it (and never finished it when I was younger). I played it through a few years ago and finished it in an afternoon.


 I loved that one I spent a lot of time on it. Hard to picture someone beating it in an afternoon I remember it being difficult. I guess my first was Kings Quest but I did not find it very engaing. The one that made me fall in love with RPG's was the text parser interface version of Heroes Quest. I loved that game it defines what an computer rpg should be IMO. My first on a console(NES) was Zelda if that counts as an RPG.