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Gnizmo said:
windbane said:
vthokiesrmoo said:

The PlayStation 3's lineup in 2009 puts the Wii's and 360's to shame.

1. Killzone 2
2. God of War III
3. Uncharted 2
4. Gran Tourismo 5
5. FF XIII Versus
6. White Knight Chronicles
7. MAG
8. DC Universe Online
9. Heavy Rain
10. inFamous
11. Ratchet and Clank 2
12. Team Ico's Game

plus 3rd party games: Street Fighter 4, Resident Evil 5, Tekken 6, COD MW2

Sony's console has the best game lineup of the year by far you can't even honestly try to bring up a legitimate argument against it.


Well, Wi-only owners will say that their lineup hasn't been announced yet, but they said the same thing about the 2nd half of 2008 before E3 last year, and it turned out that they really didn't have anything. We'll see, but so far I agree with you, except it's not R&C2...PS3 R&C2, I guess...if you use Nintendo's naming of games since SNES.

Well I would say I have absolutely no interest in buying even one of those twelve games. I would further point out that a lot of them have no release date and some are unlikely to even make it this year. Different people liking different games and all that.

NB: The lack of a line-up was used as an attack against the last half of the 2007 and first half of the Wii 2008 software line-up. It is an interesting if not completely unrelated topic though.

There are very few gametypes that I do not like, so I find it ridiculous that there isn't a game on that list you would like. If you aren't lying, then you are very picky.

Also, if you judge by the only objective measure, game reviews, then I think the story will be the same: PS3 will have more highly reviewed games.

What are you waiting for on the Wii that has you looking down on that entire list?

Edit:  and btw, I have a Wii, but there has been very little to play on it lately