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dib8rman said:
Is Carnival games really that bad?

No, it's not, and as one of the few people in the thread who actually have the damn game I'm sick of people using it as some sort of poster child of "bad" games that sell on the Wii.

It is not an ambitious game, nor is amazing by any standard. It does one thing, and does it well. It recreates common carnival and fair games on the Wii. It's colorful, easy to play and understand, doesn't demand you unlock half the games, has virtually no load times, and came at a budget price. It probably could be better, but it's well made and easy to play.

If it was awful game, it wouldn't keep selling a year and a half later and be at about 3 million by now. If people didn't like it, it wouldn't average 4/5 stars from customers on, while it's imitators Shrek's Carnival Craze and Circus Games are discounted and have terrible customer reviews.

Someone said in this thread people don't like it because it's not any good, not because of what it is. Okay, what could Cat Daddy Games done to make this a better Carnival Game collection? Controls on some of the game could have been better, like the frog toss. Better customization your character would have been nice. Some kind of interaction with your prizes would also been a welcome addition, like the Toys in Wario Ware Touched.

Aside from that, it's a solid collection of entertaining Carnival inspired mini-games that are generally well tailored to the Wii Remote. If you don't like the idea of playing carnival games on your Wii, that's fine, but don't expect something else from a game called Carnival Games. It's never pretended to do anything else, it was never advertised as something other then virtual fair games you can play on the Wii.