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The PlayStation 3's lineup in 2009 puts the Wii's and 360's to shame.

1. Killzone 2
2. God of War III
3. Uncharted 2
4. Gran Tourismo 5
5. FF XIII Versus
6. White Knight Chronicles
7. MAG
8. DC Universe Online
9. Heavy Rain
10. inFamous
11. Ratchet and Clank 2
12. Team Ico's Game

plus 3rd party games: Street Fighter 4, Resident Evil 5, Tekken 6, COD MW2

Sony's console has the best game lineup of the year by far you can't even honestly try to bring up a legitimate argument against it.

PSN ID= bigdaddymoo


MSI GT725-074 owner..... TRUE BEAST.. COD4 is a different game on PC.