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dib8rman said:
My observation famchu? I'm sorry your sighing by the way, I am enjoying this. >_>, but I already made it very clear and this is probably the 3rd time I'm going to type this so please note it, the part in relation to this 'pigeon holing' is based on your example and I specifically pointed out in the very first case that I reffered to your example; that I was only applying your examples logic.

My logical arguement is that two wrongs don't make a right, to take it further than that would sound way too judgemental, and I didn't because that would be opinion and I'm being strict that I'm making an observation, but this conversation has taken a huge momentum shift to you being on the offensive, in fact the last couple of responses have been nothing but reexplinations and your probably sighing because I am not defending myself only clarifying what I already stated.

Like I said I wont give you the control your looking for, but again as I said before if your arguing me (and in your self appointed position which I recognized as being the spokesperson for all the people that I pegion-holed) then your arguing two things now.

1. That it's ok to jump into an acid tub if everyone else is too.
2. The you may be wrong but the OP is even more wrong, (But now your saying that you gave conditions, which has nothing to do with this conversation, it's discovery time and that wasn't discovered, I'd ask if you leave it out unless you want me to go back and look at this condition for some beneficial reason and not just to toss something out there as a distraction.)
(About: Distration - Distraction from what? I don't know your the one distracting if that's really the case.)

Gheesh you gave yourself the right alias that's for sure...

My whole arguing has been against your initial foray into this thread, where you proclaimed and I quote verbatim now;

"Oh at everyone in this thread who made a comment along the lines of the OP not wanting to hear another stance thus the reason for his: "If you hate the PS3 stay out." Need to note this thread, because by using that arguement it simply means you hate the PS3. That applies to all, sublime or not that's what was done."

This is your logic I'm arguing against in case there was some confusion - although I have no idea how it wasn't spelled out for you in the subsequent 5 posts where I was quoting it before?? I'm not going to let you change your stance on your logic to 'it was in defence of your analogy' when you pigeon-holed us here too.

To address your points;

1. I never condoned 'mob mentality' or seeked to influence others with a 'me too' attitude.  I've got no idea where you're getting this idea from.  I think for myself and that's the conclusion I came to.

2. Where am I wrong? Your statement in the above quote defies logic on the grounds you can't see past the fact that there can possibly be more than two perspectives - you either hate the PS3 or not, which is wrong.  I don't hate the PS3, but I'm free to call out any qualifiers to a question thats intent is to seek a desired response.  My 'distraction' proves that there is!

If you've been debating against a fictitious analogy then you've been wasting your time.  Unless you can defend what you stated above, then your re-explanations for a point in which you never actually made "two wrongs don't make a right" - are useless.

We don't have to bore the rest of VGChartz readers with our debate.  If you want to discuss further PM your IM account to me and I'll gladly spend all night telling you how your logic is wrong.