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The comments about all companies suffering in the current climate is valid

However Sony are in a uniquely precarious position.

Home electronics TV's et al are big purchases that are nearly always shunned during a recession.

The PS3 should be a good bet given that Gaming is historically only slightly affected by economic downturns.

This having been said Sony has put a big ticket price on its console and its nearest competitor (MS) has a bank balance that most companies can only dream of.

They should be able to make money from PS3 by holding their nerve not dropping the price and riding out the storm.

Optimistic economists believe Worldwide recovery can be seen in early 2010 but even they concede this will be a tipping point, the dawn of a new day if you will.

Full recovery and positive growth, which will in turn bring about consumer confidence in time, is placed at late 2011.

Sony will need to survive till then and beyond before they can breathe easy.

For comparison the last UK recession was in 1990 it officially lasted 24 months. Full consumer confidence didnt return until 1994.

This recession is far more reaching and severe. It has already lasted 13 months and counting, and many expect it to be the worst recession in recent times.