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WOW I missed so much!! I actually meant to post the japanese site in wich you get the character profiles and stats..and meant to update the stats meanings XDD

omg..I was gone pretty long..and kept forgetting about Judgement


and see Soma? I told you: it was lagging due to too many people being online!!

more than Konami expected it to sell in the US, but the servers are ebing updated and fixed for the japanese audience


I wish I could join you sucks..

and bobuffalo XDD heh, you kinda got disappointed before you go far enough

hope the next castle mode will be a bit bigger and more important..and will replace story mode

and I hope for even more accessories and obviously: actual clothes!!


and Death? wha? Death can be annoying, but not hard to beat, you have to get into the game a bit more, leanr about subweapons, learn to dodge and strike when the time is right ^_^

Death isn't a big deal and his Hyper Attack is the worst to pull off, just jump!

Aeon is hard to pull off, but once you use his golden charged clock, it's cake


I main Aeon

I play a little Sypha, Death, Trevor and Dracula (for fun)