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@Jordahn, I think investment into OLED technology is the type of thing that put them here now. Unless there have been leaps and bounds in the technology, OLED will only be adopted by technophiles. OLED suffer from a short life and drastic cost increase when compared to traditional LCD and Plasma technologies.

@darth, I think when Sony invested in the Ericsson name they took on a large amount of debt that the company carried before hand (someone correct me if I'm wrong as I'm not well versed on this).

@Wiibox, do you actually think the PS3 and Bluray was a good investment for Sony, my current opinion on consumer electronics industry is its usually detrimental to focus on high end products, ala PS3/Bravia/Ericsson/Bluray. Where companies that produce products that produce non-luxury products tend to do better when their customers are targeted by competitors.