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Used to shop at GAME because they were the closest shop. Stopped going when too many games were 70 euro, and they'd offer 6 euro if you wanted to trade in a game. Started shooping in Gamestop instead which is where I got my Ps3 on launchday. Most games were 60 euro there and they'd give you 25 euro for trade-ins (still shit so I kept my games). Bought two games while in America because they were cheaper over there. Switched to HMV when their game prices all dropped to 53 euro or lower about three months ago. The came back to GAME because they were selling loads of games on sale for 25 euro each, picked up Far Cry 2, Fallout 3, GT prologue and Mirror's Edge, each for 25 euro! Steal!

Now I'll probably get my games from the UK because their currency has dropped loads. My strong Euro's will buy loads of games! Mwahahaha!

To summarise, I buy my games from GAME, Gamestop and HMV.