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Who said the Wii was struggling? None of the Wii games yet have really pushed the Wii, as people keep saying we haven't seen the full potential of the ps3 yet. That goes double for the Wii, as most of the Wii games we're designed with Gamecube graphics. The Wii is at least double the hardware the GC was, and as I understand it the dev kits and developer tools just weren't there to push the Wii hardware at all. Plus most people didn't even try as they just wanted to utilize the motion controls and get the game on the market. Yet if you look at the videos for titles like Mario Galaxy you see a nice upgrade to the graphics, and second generation Wii titles will look even better. As second generation titles look better on every system. I just don't understand why people keep pretending that all the Wii games for it's entire lifespan will look like GC games. They won't.