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Khuutra said:
CAL4M1TY said:
Gamerace said:

Rygar: Crap. Port of an old PS2 game. At least Okami was one of the last great PS2 titles.

Tenchu 4: Crap. Tenchu hasn't been good in about a decade, what makes you think a Wii version will be better?

Dead Rising: Chop 'til You Drop: Decent, but can't hold a candle to it's 360 sibling (more zombies on screen, better graphics)

House of the Dead: Overkill: I hope will be good, but I assume it'll be really short

MadWorld: I say it'll be decent hack and slash overrated due to it's artistic style.

Deadly Creatures: Crap. I've hated this game from day 1, I'm not sure what the hype is about

The Conduit: Good. It'll get around 8/10's and sell okay (say 1.5 million lifetime).

Sin & Punishment 2 (no release date yet): GOOD. It'll be meh'd by critics, but I think I'll enjoy it alot.

Little King Story: Never heard of.

I think you missed the point of the thread. We're predicting sales.


He's also completely oblivious to the fact that Tenchu is back in the hands of the people who originally made the series, and made it great.  Just because the last couple didn't fare well doesn't mean this one will be crap.  So far, it sounds like it's actually pretty good.