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I tend to agree with MakingMusic on this, at least to a degree. The clear problem for Sony is hardware. Software may have some issues, but the 3.5 billion dollars lost is not from Motorstorm or LittleBigPlanet.

So if SCE were to be cut at all, I'd guess it would be hardware: however, this isn't a time when hardware can be "cut," exactly. The most extreme solution would be to not fund a PS4, but even that wouldn't stop hardware production right now, on this day. They'd still be shipping PS3s, they just wouldn't be coming out with a successor.

In other words, it's entirely possible that Sony will decide to cut something gaming related, but the obvious things to cut (hardware R&D) won't really show that it's been cut for years. I expect software production to continue unabated, and I see little reason to cut products for which all R&D has already been completed (i.e. PSP, PS3).">">