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PS3 can not over take XBox 360. It was over since day 1 of the PS3. PS3 was launched for a staggering $599. PS3 over 2 years on and what games are there that really differentiates it from XBox 360 that makes it worth the inflated price tag? XBox 360 has 90% of the games library of the PS3 which most of the XBox 360 has outsold and received higher scores than same game on PS3.

PS3 will overtake XBox 360 by end of 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 or 2012? PS3 will sell one million consoles in a week when MGS 4, LBP, Resistance 2, KZ2, GT 5, FF XIII, FF XIII Versus, (insert PS3 game) etc.