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CAL4M1TY said:
Gamerace said:

Rygar: Crap. Port of an old PS2 game. At least Okami was one of the last great PS2 titles.

Tenchu 4: Crap. Tenchu hasn't been good in about a decade, what makes you think a Wii version will be better?

Dead Rising: Chop 'til You Drop: Decent, but can't hold a candle to it's 360 sibling (more zombies on screen, better graphics)

House of the Dead: Overkill: I hope will be good, but I assume it'll be really short

MadWorld: I say it'll be decent hack and slash overrated due to it's artistic style.

Deadly Creatures: Crap. I've hated this game from day 1, I'm not sure what the hype is about

The Conduit: Good. It'll get around 8/10's and sell okay (say 1.5 million lifetime).

Sin & Punishment 2 (no release date yet): GOOD. It'll be meh'd by critics, but I think I'll enjoy it alot.

Little King Story: Never heard of.

I think you missed the point of the thread. We're predicting sales.