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Rygar - Too late, if this were a launch title, it would score at least 500k+1 from me :) now just a 200k

Tenchu 4 - niche, quite unknown, although high quality it seems. 400k tops.

Dead Rising: Chop 'til You Drop - Dissapointing reviews, will get great along the way due to positive word of mouth. 1m (slow).

House of the Dead: Overkill - A certain 1.5m+ seller here. I will get it as well.

MadWorld - niche, although if high quality, will be bought by every hardcore gamer owning a Wii (as opposed to NMH); slow 600-1m seller.

Deadly Creatures - A total miss, too niche although of high quality somehow, will get a copy yet 400k tops.

The Conduit - The Wii 3rd party beacon so far; outstanding graphics and (most importantly) copntrols will warrant positive reviews (80+) and push it to at least 1-1.5m

Sin & Punishment 2 - New IP in the West (practically) although mainstream and with a wide appeal. If Nintendo advertises a lot, I can see this reaching 1m

Little King Story - :( I'm really sorry about this, probably the highest quality of all the above yet no marketing plus kiddy image will barely pull Zack & Wiki numbers.