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House of the Dead: Overkill

It'll sell over 1.5 million and here is why:

Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles - 1.32 Million
House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return - 920k
Ghost Squad - 570k

It has a better atmosphere, more importantly it has a better marketable atmosphere than all of the above so it'll do great

The Conduit

This one will also sell over 1.5 Million copies, reason being that number 1, it's exclusive, number 2, it'll have a very solid online multiplayer, reason 3, people who don't think it can outsell Metroid really overestimate Metroids selling power, reason 4, it's a very mainstream type game that uses the Wii remote well, will support Motion Plus which will be brand new, and it'll have a solid marketing campaign

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - 1.5 Million
Red Steel - 1.1 Million
Call of Duty 3 - 620k
Call of Duty: World at War - 430k

Unless it turns out to be a bad game, it'll most likely pass 1.5 Million


It will sell over 500k and here is why:

No More Heroes - 400k
Bully: Scholarship Edition - 370k

Now the reason why I looked at Bully here is because it was well publicised as a violent game, however it was a port - ports don't usually work well on Wii..

Also Madworld will have A LOT more attention for its over the top violence than bully ever did, it also has a very stylised presentation which in my opinion will help it sell more copies unlike No More Heroes which may have been overlooked due to its style.

One last reason is advertising, it will be advertised and the word of mouth will help it out, looking at a Million if all goes well

I'm going to have a think about the others.. I know these three will be advertised well but unsure on the others