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A big part of success for any and all of these games will hinge on advertising. Getting the word out.

Deadly Creatures is a game I'm personally excited about because it strikes a cord with the hardcore horror fan in me--and may strike a similar cord with similar people. I don't think it'll manage a million in sales, but I don't think it'll do terribly--if properly advertised. Seeing as how they've snagged some actual Hollywood talent for the game, they might feel the need to actually promote the damn game.

Too many gamers are too close-minded and ignorant for MadWorld, and it's hellish violence will turn off quite a few people--unfortunately. However, I'd be surprised if it didn't at least garner half a million in sales.

The Conduit and House of the Dead: Overkill are almost guaranteed million-sellers. HotD2&3 has nearly managed a million in sales and the hype and worship for The Conduit will be enough to carry some impressive sales for it. Hype sold Lair and Haze before word got out about how bad they were.

But again, they're all at the mercy of the publisher's advertising budgets--and store availability. Some places, like Target or Wal-Mart may not even stalk some of these games. And that's worrisome. Decent advertising budgets, and appearing in plenty of retail outlets will mean good sales for most of the games.

Rygar will probably fare the worst overall.