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Smashed said:
Killergran said:
Smashed said:

Accually, it doesn't really take a brain that the PS3 is currently in 3rd place because of the price. And the sales are still doing good for the price.

So do the math.


What math? Are you referring to the 'If you drop the price by half it will sell twice as much' math? Because that is utter bullshit. There is no certainty about how pricelevels effect sales. A pricedrop could have absolutely no effect, or it could have an insane effect. It doesn't depend on math, it depends on the buyers. And you don't know until you've tried.

In most cases, a pricedrop WILL have a positive effect on sales. At the very least, it's extremely seldom a pricedrop has a NEGATIVE effect on sales. But you cannot say how much or for how long.

And it even if you think it "doesn't really take a brain that the PS3" is selling bad because of the price, that does not negate the theory that the Xbox would still sell better if the PS3 was 1500SEK (muahaha! Currency wars!).  Common sense might dictate it would, but common sense simply does not apply in all cases.

Simply put, there is no math. There is people. And you don't know them.



How is it utter bullshit? The 360 sold double as much because it dropped the price, why can't the PS3? And to answer his question, yes it's possible for the PS3 to pass the 360 after the price drops. I think Sony has a large enough fanbase to outsell the 360. PS1, PS2, still holding the crowns.


First, Oyvoyvoyv just proved you wrong with that statement. Secondly, just because it happened to the 360 does not by default mean it will happen to the PS3. I'm not saying it won't, mind you, I'm saying that you cannot be sure. And the reason you cannot be sure is that there is no mathematical model for what happens when you cut price. There is no math. Any math you invent will be bullshit. Bullshit as in 'no real resemblance to reality, and if such resemblance can be found it is purely coincidental.'

See, there is no math to a pricecut. There are the buyers, the people. And you don't know them.


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