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DMeisterJ said:
gebx said:

During the 42nd minute...

"More then 1.3 million unique users are playing this title"

Doesn't say anything about sales... as a matter of fact, couldn't multiple users be playing off the same copy?? Meaning that LBP sold even less??

Edit: Twesterm I think you still won your bet!!

Could mean that.  Also, it could be used copies of the game around, which would bring the number down even lower.  Or if you borrowed a game, could be even lower. 

But it doesn't take into account people not playing on PSN, people who don't have internet access, or people who haven't made PSN accounts yet. 

And this argument was presented earlier (by me coincidentally), if you read the thread, you'd see that the information Kaz gave doesn't give credence to whether or not the actual number is higher or lower than 1.3 million, which, again, was already said earlier in the thread. 

But you probably don't care since you're part of the LBA.

Actually DMJ, it is just as likely (more likely) he is talking about the number of people who bought the game, as he doesn't say "playing online."


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