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People are trusting user reviews for lair more than critic reviews? Seriously why?

A lot of ps3 owners bought their ps3 with Lair being one of the biggest reasons. Do you really think those people are going to say ''Yup you know what the game I bought a $600 system for is completly rubbish'' Of course they won't they will argue against it and try and justify the money they spent to themselves. People are very hesitant to admit that the $600 purchase they made just became much less meaningful to them.

It is similar to how when Red Steel was released many people would defend it and claim it was at least an 8. That was because people had bought their wii with the intent of getting red steel as maybe one of 3 games. To all of a sudden find out that a 3rd of the immediate reason you bought a system isn't really there is a pretty big thing.

Lair is currently at 60% (5% lower than red steel) and I wouldn't be surprised to see it drop down to 55%. As there are so few reviews so far that the Play review can pull it up quite a bit (btw play magazine has a +7.2% difference from the average for PS3 reviews, interestingly Play magazine also gave Red steel an incredibly high score)

Fans of a system are always going to want to defend an exclusive high profile game. Imagine if Gears of war had been bad and scored 60%. There would be a huge amount of people insisting it was an amazing experience and that the reviews were wrong. Because it was the game they bought a system for.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.