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Khuutra said:

I know. At this point I'm messing with you: the ease with which you become exasperated with me is almost uncanny.

However, in the first place, giving people an option which will allow them to complete a game is much more likely to get them to finish, especially when it's easy-access. If they can see how it's done without making any particular effort, they're mcuh more likely to try to finish it for themselves. That's reflexive - and if it's applied to puzzles, it doesn't matter how hard they are, if we assume that about half the userbase would never finish the gamee anyway because they're too hard at their curent level. If you think they're adding in a hint system and making the puzzles easier, I don't know what to tell you except for "this seems very unlikely".

And no, Nintendo's games don't tend to get easier with each iteration. The environmental puzzles in every Zelda since Ocarina of Time... well, actually, since the first one (I am amazed by how much easier the puzzles in LttP were) have been much harder, and Phantom Hourglass harder still. The same holds true for Mario games, and pretty much every other series: they've been getting progressively harder since the N64 days, not easier.

 Works for me. I get a kick out of being a condescending jack-ass. Can't do it much on internet forums without people getting their panties in a bunch. Kind of refreshing to find someone who takes it in stride. You can ask Makingmusic how god awful I am in person.

 My current thinking is they will keep it about the same and add the hint system. The problem is if you have to have your hand-held the entire way then how fun is the game? Imagine if before every puzzle in Zelda I had to take to controller from your hands, show you how to do it, and then reset the puzzle so you can. It would be boring as fuck. The current games are clearly not so easy that the average player can beat it in Nintendo's opinion. Why bump the difficulty up while making the game easier in the same breath? It just doesn't add up for me.

 And we will have to agree to disagree I suppose on Nintendo games getting easier. Super Mario Galaxy provides no where near the challenge Mario 64 did( skipped Sunshine). OoT, and Majora's Mask were about the same as I recall. I can't stomach more than about 2 hours of MM per few months though so my view might be distorted. Wind Waker was definitely easier than both though. And Twilight Princess was easier than that (save for the fact that Zelda forgot how to aim a fucking arrow!). Mario Kart has added extremely over powered items like Bullet Bill. But everyone will find different games to be a different difficulty so we will likely go in circles, although I do welcome any imput on how they have gotten harder.

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