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Finely I have read most of the posts… haha funny stuff can’t wait for footage though I like this teasing when it comes to a Zelda game. Oh man the day TP was shown I was so happy I almost cried hehe. Funny how a game can have this much effect on people.

Every Zelda game has great moments yes even the bad moments are great after you beat them. Like water temple and the shadow temple which I beat without the eye of truth! I want new moments like this. Moments that make me leave the game for a wile but then come back and try again. OoT was my first game I completed and I just kept on coming back until I beat it. It took me about 5mothes. And man was I happy with that last boss! It was the greatest battle ever I just loved it.

Pleas Nintendo make this one hard!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(