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Sqrl said:

If that's the case then a re-read is in order.  The system isn't just about puzzle hints it will show you contextually meaningful strategies to defeat a difficult enemy.  The idea, and this was explicit in the notes, is that having witnessed what works it will be made easier.  

I can tell you right now that this will work and it works beautifully, I know because this holiday I was showing my mom how to beat some of the tough stars in SMG (she has been trying to beat the game and has been stuck for a while now).  I would run through a level beat the star and then not collect it and reset the level because she wanted to do it on her own.  But with the 5 stars she was stuck on for a month she was able to beat every last one of them within 2 or 3 tries after watching me complete the level.

And believe me this is a woman who is the antithesis of a gamer, she is the perfect example of a casual gamer.  The only reason she has even put this much effort into SMG is because she did it back when SMB came out and I think it's a nostalgia thing for her.  Of course if she had me available to show her how to complete each star she probably would have beat the game ages ago.

Oh, I agree with you (I've actually had the same experience with my boss and Super Mario Galaxy, bless her heart). This has the potential to be almost absurdly useful, and the kind of thing that could change the way designers look at making puzzles and enemies difficult.

I don't know what other changes they're going to make, but this alone has me very excited.