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Mike you should be charging Sony for all the free marketing you do!!

OT: At this stage no one is doubting it's future success as the dominant disc medium format for movies.

However, having said that I don't think we can deduce from that adoption rate graph that the format will be more successful than the comparatively more slowly adopted DVD format. It doesn't factor in emerging new technologies it has to compete against that weren't present before such as streaming download content. This is actually offered by a lot of the Blu-ray players themselves and the PS3. There are other standalone set-top boxes now as well - TIVO, Netflix, Blockbuster to name a few all competing for a slice of the market.

The fact that the PS3 ushered in the technology as well significantly boosts the install base, which most backers take into consideration as it doesn't neccessarily mean that every PS3 adopter is snatching up Blu-ray movies. The PS2 was the first console released to support DVD and that was released 3 years after DVDs were launched in the US. The graph supports the future of Blu-ray but doesn't mean it's ever going to be as successful as DVD in lieu of growing competition.